Trading in the era of coronavirus: KN95, FFP2, nitrile gloves, vinyl…

Trading during the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed our perception of trade. MBF Group S.A. in February decided to take a risk and, involving the resources it had previously developed, “jump into the deep end” of the trade in protective and medical measures in the field of prevention and counteraction of against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Initially, the goods were delivered to the most needy entities and units – emergency rooms, clinics, hospitals, medical facilities, offices, foundations and funds supporting supplies benefited from our assistance.

The coronavirus pandemic caused obvious changes in MBF Group S.A.’s business environment, and what at first seemed difficult to manage became at the same time an asset for entities that were able to find their way in the new reality. Undoubtedly, the pandemic will have a major impact on domestic as well as global trade and the shape of global supply chains: turnover is falling, trade is regionalizing, protectionism is increasing, and China’s role in global chains is diminishing. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a panic in many companies in the commercial sector. On the other hand, however, other companies quickly adapted to the new realities. We want to be in that group.

We tried to react to everything dynamically, but not just to follow fashion. We have begun active operations in the market for the brokerage and trade of medical products and those for prevention in the fight against coronavirus. We started by trading or contracting small volumes while now we are trying to become a bigger and bigger player – of course, to the extent of our current personal and financial capabilities.

Certainly one of the most important decisions of MBF Group S.A.’s management was to go outside Poland. This opened unlimited opportunities for us to trade and broker as a commodity dealer. All successful and unsuccessful decisions are subject to immediate evaluation by Investors and Shareholders. We hope that further completed orders or contracts will be properly evaluated by the market, if only like the one with the Slovak entity, with which we hope to cooperate in the long term.

No doubt the problem with the SARS-CoV-2virus will not disappear overnight. “The coronavirus is not letting go. People who work or are in crowds in enclosed spaces, among others, are particularly vulnerable to infection. cashiers in stores, or passengers on public transportation. However, it is increasingly common to see people without masks, although the order to wear them indoors is still in effect. Police announce inspections.”


“Recent studies, including those prepared by The Royal Society (a British scientific society), leave no illusions. Face masks can be useful when maintaining social distance is impossible – Proper wearing of face masks, including homemade ones, helps reduce the spread of the virus, according to the report “Delve – Data Assessment and Learning for Viral Epidemics.”

In industries such as retail or service, where there is direct customer contact, it has become the norm for staff to wear masks and provide them to customers for the duration of the service. This is a legal obligation, but above all it is a means of giving customers and staff a sense of security. In difficult times, which certainly include the epidemic, the preservation of the so-called “epidemic. sanitary rigor builds customer confidence. The risk of business downtime due to staff quarantine is also reduced.”


In view of the above, and in view of the ongoing successes in supply contracting, the Management Board, together with the Supervisory Board of MBF Group S.A., immediately began work on updating the company’s strategy, in particular, in view of the Issuer’s recent successful activities in trading and brokerage. We assume that the company will focus on business and profit-making activities in the field:

1. advice on organizing and assisting in raising capital for the development of early stage business projects, including work related to equity, debt and crowdfunding.

(2) Intermediation and direct wholesale in particular, but not exclusively, in the field of industry and medical, medicinal, food and chemical goods.

3. research and development in algorithmic trading (“algotrading”) and HFT (“High Frequency Trading”). Trading for own account and execution of orders.

An update on the core business and development strategy will be made public in accordance with applicable laws. So far, no binding decisions have been made related to the selection of a specific strategic option or strategy update. In doing so, we do not rule out expanding the management team in the coming days. Any major changes require an investment of time, labor and money. We will inform you of all changes in accordance with applicable laws.