Agreement with Simedical Foundation on the 2019-nCoV virus (COVID-2019)

MBF Group has entered into a framework agreement with the Simedical Foundation to establish close cooperation on the sale of medical products. Under the agreement, the parties agreed to perform commercial services and trade in goods related to, among other things. with the prevention and containment of coronavirus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19).

The catalog of services includes, among others. Providing services of using sales channels owned by the Foundation for medical products related to the 2019-nCoV virus, analyzing the possibility of exporting medical products and their export to recipients outside Poland, consulting on retail and wholesale trade in Poland and abroad, as well as consulting and importing products for distribution on the Polish market.

The Simedical Foundation is engaged in, among other things: protection and promotion of health, activities for the disabled, activities for the elderly and people of retirement age, and activities that support economic development, including the development of economic entrepreneurship. The Foundation operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance.

In reference to the ESPI Current Report 4/2020 of dd. On March 3, 2020, we additionally announce that the Issuer is in advanced talks to import and further distribute medical supplies related to the 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) virus prophylaxis. We would like to inform you that the most advanced talks are being held with contractors from Ukraine, the Czech Republic and India and concern the purchase and further distribution in Poland of no less than 1,000,000 triple-layer protective masks (with EN 14683 TYPE I certification, BFE≥95%). The Issuer notifies that it has a portfolio of orders for goods related to the 2019-nCoV prophylaxis, and the final arrangements concern matters of price, delivery date and quality of goods. The Issuer will keep the public informed of any binding agreements and contracts through stock exchange reports.


Update: March 16, 2020.

All inquiries for ISO and CE certified 3-layer masks, protective aprons, non-contact thermometers, and other assortments should be submitted by email only! We do not have the capacity to handle phone calls on an ongoing basis.