MBF Group Joint Stock Company with its seat in Warsaw, a company entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs in the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw. The company is registered with the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000380468. Amount of share capital: PLN 7,500,000 (seven million five hundred thousand zlotys) fully paid up. MBF Group SA is a publicly listed company as of dn. February 2, 2012. On the NewConnect exchange (the alternative stock market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange).

Registered Address:

MBF Group SA
Byslawska 82
04-994 Warsaw

NIP: 894 301 86 15
VAT-EU: PL894 301 86 15

REGON: 021 480 943
KRS: 0000 380 468
LEI: 259400B87KKXBG7YGE64

NCAGE Code (NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code): 9AQDH

Mailing address:

MBF Group SA
Byslawska 82 suite 415
04-994 Warsaw

Tel: +48 22 651 86 38

Bank account: Bank PKO BP SA

PLN: PL61 1020 1127 0000 1602 0402 0426
EUR: PL77 1020 1127 0000 1702 0402 0574
USD: PL85 1020 1127 0000 1202 0413 1546



Ci occupiamo di commercio all'ingrosso di materie prime, importazione, esportazione e agiamo come broker. Siamo specializzati nella vendita dei seguenti prodotti: alimentari (olio di colza, olio di girasole, zucchero) e chimici (urea, adBlue)


Ceny rzepaku zaskakują rolników. Jakie prognozy na najbliższe tygodnie?

MBF Group SA działając jako importer i dystrybutor olejów roślinnych w Polsce i państwach UE, ogłosiła kilka dni temu podpisanie znaczącej umowy na sprzedaż i dostawę 1500 ton oleju rzepakowego nierafinowanego 👍💪

MBF GROUP SA (29/2024) Wezwanie kontrahentów do wywiązania się z ustaleń i zobowiązań oraz przedstawienia ICPO,mbf-group-sa-29-2024-wezwanie-kontrahentow-do-wywiazania-sie-z-ustalen-i-zobowiazan-oraz-przedstawienia-icpo

The biodiesel production process is based on an esterification reaction in which vegetable oil (or fat) reacts with alcohol (usually methanol) in the presence of a catalyst. This reaction produces biodiesel (methyl ester of fatty acids) and glycerine as a by-product.

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