The trade in weapons, armaments and protective equipment is associated with many restrictions. The armed conflict in Ukraine has prompted wider interest in the topic from traders and brokers of all kinds. At one point, the situation and the circulation of weapons articles resembled the chaos we faced with the circulation of protective articles during the COVID panic over the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. The situation was not helped by a two-month grace period resulting from a law abolishing the requirement for a license when dealing in bulletproof vests and helmets.
Assuming that the arms sector consists of two parts: (1) industrial i (2) service, where the former dominates in peacetime and the latter in times of political, war and destabilization threats, it should be particularly noted that both of these parts are among those industries that are based on specific knowledge, are the most innovative, and from which the most patents originate. Due to the fact that for most countries, the duration of peace is far longer than that of war, it can be assumed that the industrial part of the arms sector definitely dominates national economies.
The minister in charge of export control of such products is required by law. economies. Its executive apparatus is the Department of Sensitive Goods Trade and Technical Security of the Ministry of Development and Technology (formerly the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology), which develops proposals and prepares decisions on licensing the trade of both dual-use goods and armaments and military equipment. The report was compiled by the Foreign Ministry’s security policy department based on information from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and from exporters.

Bulletproof vest (stretcher)
According to Art. 3 items 1 – 3 of the Law, strategic goods are dual-use goods and armaments listed in the relevant control lists. The List of Dual-Use Goods is an integral part of Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 of May 5, 2009, while the List of Armaments is introduced into the national legal system by a decree of the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. economy developed on the basis of reference checklists adopted by the Wassenaar Arrangement and European Union bodies.
The entire arms sector can generally be divided into two parts. The first is public institutions, including armies. Also included in this category are research institutes or companies with full or partial participation of the state treasury, or other state-dependent institutions. They are governed by different laws and are more resistant to the actions of the free market and do not participate on an equal footing with private companies.
Private companies operating in the arms sector are often huge multinational corporations, for which arms production and services are only a small part of the business. Currently, there are a small number of companies in the world whose activities can be classified entirely in the arms sector. A phenomenon noticeable in times of crisis is the consolidation of capital in the arms industry. In recent years, there has been a lot of buzz about attempts by larger companies to take over smaller companies. This phenomenon is also occurring in the arms industry, especially in the case of bankruptcies of SOEs. Private entrepreneurs are proving to sense an interest in taking military establishments in various countries out of the hands of the state in times of crisis, which also has broad economic implications.

Ballistic plate for bulletproof vest
Bulletproof vests and helmets are strategic goods, included in the List of Armaments, published in the aforementioned decree by the Minister of Development under control numbers LU13d, LU13c, and their export, sale, lending or any other disposition outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, requires the written consent of the trade control authority, i.e., the Ministry of Development. Minister of Development.
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, all kinds of collections have been held for the fighting Ukrainians. – Very many posts are about bulletproof vests, ballistic plates or helmets. However, as the expert points out in an interview, the current shortcomings in the availability of ballistic protection in Poland are being exploited by dishonest pseudo-businessmen, “offering far from guaranteeing safety from gunshot or injury, of terrible quality and likely to do more harm than good, manufactured for quick sales.”
Keep in mind that vests, helmets or ceramic ballistic plates (or those made of any other material) have an expiration date, after which they are considered expired. So is material that is physically disturbed or damaged. These types of cartridges continue to do their job, but there is no longer a guarantee that they will stop all the claimed bullets (a threat at the upper limit of the standard). And remember that we are talking about protecting human life! The following is an international categorization of security:
- IIA – protects against bullets from 9x19mm Parabellum and .40 S&W cartridges,
- II – protects against bullets from 9x19mm Parabellum P+ (higher velocity) and .357 Magnum cartridges,
- IIIA – protects against bullets from 9×19 mm Parabellum +P++ cartridges (with even higher velocity) and .44 Magnum cartridges,
- III – already protects against rifle ammunition with a lead core caliber bullet. 7.62×51 mm NATO or a weaker one like 5.56×45 mm, 5.45×39 mm or 7.62×39 mm,
- IV – protects against anti-tank steel-core bullets from cal. cartridges. .30-06 or weaker.
It is worth remembering that all trade and circulation of dual-purpose articles can be carried out only by entities with the appropriate permits and licenses. Even storing these types of goods can get you in trouble with the law! When deciding to trade or brokerage, it is worth bearing in mind that you must have the appropriate permits.
MBF Group SA still in 2020 concluded Framework cooperation and confidentiality agreement (NDA) with Defence 365 Sp. z o.o. In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, the parties are unanimously cooperating to achieve long-term financial gain in joint business ventures regarding the range of products and services they offer – including the establishment of a joint business entity. Company Defense 365 Sp. z o.o. holds licenses for special trading, detective activities, protection of persons and property and technical security. It is active in the field of detective work (business intelligence), as well as in anti-tapping security of premises and wiretap detection, and provides classified office services. In terms of the so-called. special trading Defence 365 Sp. z o.o. holds a license issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration authorizing: (1) trading in the types of weapons and ammunition specified in para. 1 – 28 of Appendix No. 1 Types of weapons and ammunition – BA – to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of December 3, 2001. on types of weapons and ammunition and the list of products and technologies for military or police use, for the manufacture or marketing of which a license is required (Journal of Laws No. 145, item 1625, as amended); (2) manufacture and marketing of products for military or police use and marketing of technology for such use as specified in WT II – WT XIV of Appendix No. 2 List of products and technologies for military or police use.

Tactical helmet – Level IIIA protection