About the company

MBF Group SA, based in Warsaw, is a public company listed on the NewConnect market and operates under the supervision of the Stock Exchange and the Financial Supervision Commission. The company’s core business is direct wholesale trade in food, agricultural, chemical and fuel products. We work in the Polish and European markets. We offer comprehensive services and assistance in the organization of transportation, logistics and brokerage.

In addition to direct sales, we also broker the purchase and sale of goods. We represent the interests of the buyer or seller of products. The relationship between the manufacturer and the broker is long-term and is established in the form of a written contract with commercial confidentiality. We are engaged in negotiating or concluding transactions on behalf of the companies we represent.

In addition, we help companies that are in the early stages of development. We offer equity, debt and crowdfunding services. We advise financial solutions that are appropriate to the needs and capabilities of contractors. We organize comprehensive consulting and handling of the process of raising capital from the selected source. For attractive projects, we do not exclude our own capital involvement.

The last segment of our activity is research and development in algorithmic trading (“algotrading”) and HFT (“High Frequency Trading”). It is the purchase or sale of financial instruments with the help of a computer algorithm that automatically determines individual parameters of orders to buy or sell these instruments, including the moment of placing an order, the expiration date of the order, the price or number of instruments that are the subject of the order, or how the order is managed after it is placed,. This occurs without human involvement or with limited human involvement.

The company supports all group entities so that the group operates in an organized and harmonized manner. The primary added value and long-term strategic goal is the synergy resulting from the interaction of its various entities. Entities operating in the group develop a preliminary cash management concept, which defines the rules for making and processing payments, investments and short-term financing.

MBF Group SA is assigned NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code (NCAGE Code) 9AQDH. The code identifies the company in the NATO Codification System (NCS). The code allows direct entry into tenders conducted by defense-related institutions in Poland and NATO countries globally, as well as the US Army and the federal and state governments in the US. The company’s data has been entered into the Database of Business Entities maintained by the Military Center for Standardization, Quality and Codification (WCNJiK) and will be entered into:

  1. NATO Database of Business Entities maintained by the NATO Support and ProcurementAgency (NSPA),
  2. NATO Master Catalogue of References forLogistics (NMCRL) maintained by NSPA,
  3. Business Entity Database maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

In the interests of the highest possible standards in fulfilling the obligations of a public company, as well as transparency in operations and professionalism in communication with individual investors, in May 2014 MBF Group S.A. became a supporting member of the Polish Association of Stock Exchange Issuers.

Słowacja podpisała memorandum o współpracy w rolnictwie z Ukrainą. Będą wspólne inwestycje w przetwórnie https://www.farmer.pl/fakty/unia-europejska/slowacja-podpisala-memorandum-o-wspolpracy-w-rolnictwie-z-ukraina-beda-wspolne-inwestycje-w-przetwornie,152378.html #przemysłspożywczy #Ukraina #Słowacja #współpracamiedzynarodowawrolnictwie #RichardTakachem #WitalijKowal

Na początku października ogłosiliśmy powołanie dwóch nowych członków do Rady Nadzorczej MBF Group SA. Wzmocniliśmy tym samym swój zespół o wybitnych specjalistów z długoletnim doświadczeniem.

Raport EBI: 15/2024. Uzupełnienie raportu w sprawie powołania Daniela Alain Korona na członka Rady Nadzorczej Emitenta

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